Job Trainer Initiative
On 11th November, Skills First-contracted Training Providers that have a JobTrainer course on their Funded Scope were notified via an SVTS enquiry about their JobTrainer commencement allocation on 11th November.
Explore our range of services
Going through the application process to become a Registered Training Organisation is a big time and financial commitment. Take some of the risk and ambiguity out of the process and get RTO Logic on your side. We manage the entire project, including providing the policies and procedures, pro forma, building the training and assessment strategies, conducting financial viability and assisting with your business plan.
Recruitment is a time consuming and uncertain process but finding the right people is critical to the success of your organisation. Don’t waste your valuable time trying to navigate the recruitment space and don’t waste your money paying a firm to recruit for an industry that they don’t fully understand. RTO Logic staff understand what it means to work in and run an RTO which means we know what to look for when recruiting.
Discover the RTO Logic difference
Decades of experience and always engaging with new clients, our consultants bring a level of exposure that you just can’t recruit for in your business.
You won’t find a more honest and transparent bunch of people in the industry; we pride ourselves on integrity and the long term relationships that we forge with our clients.
Every business is different which is why RTO Logic offers customised solutions for its clients; no matter the size, capabilities and budget, we have a solution for you.
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Consultancy Hours
$440.00 – $1,800.00 GST
Keep up to date with important news and announcements
On 11th November, Skills First-contracted Training Providers that have a JobTrainer course on their Funded Scope were notified via an SVTS enquiry about their JobTrainer commencement allocation on 11th November.
In this article, we explore the reporting and compliance requirements for practical placements and employer signoff.
In this article, we look at some common non-compliances identified during audit, with respect to the marketing and advertising requirements outlined in the Standards for Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) 2015. All RTOs registered with the National Regulator (ASQA) must satisfy the requirements set out in Clause 4.1 of the Standards, which apply across a range of marketing methods and materials such as brochures/flyers, websites, social media, online advertisements and third party recruiting.