Skills First Workplace Training

Not all Skills First funded training conducted in the workplace translates into an apprenticeship/traineeship enrolment. It is common for Training Providers to deliver training to non-apprentice or trainee Skills First students at their workplace for the purpose of upskilling their knowledge, skills and efficiency in their job. Let’s have a look at the Skills First contractual requirements which must be met when delivering this type of training.


Training Plan

The requirements of the Training Plan are exactly the same as standard enrolments, with the exception of Clause 6.9 of Schedule 1 which stipulates that a Training Plan for a non-Apprentice or Trainee Skills First Student who is to participate in training conducted in a workplace where they are employed must be agreed to and signed by the employer that manages and controls that workplace. Unlike apprenticeship/traineeship enrolments, the Training Plan does not need to be endorsed by the Training Provider or the eligible individual.

In addition, the Training Plan must reflect the Training and Assessment Strategy developed specifically for cohorts undertaking the training program at the workplace as non-apprentices/trainees.



In some instances where training and assessment is conducted at a workplace, the employer agrees to cover all the fees applicable to the training undertaken by their employees. However, this does not exclude the Training Provider from their obligation to provide the eligible individual with a Statement of Fees and to collect and maintain evidence to support the application of Fee Concessions and Fee Waivers.

Even if the invoice is issued to the employer, Training Providers must still report any tuition and/or non-tuition fees charged in their Student Statistical Reports.



Where the eligible individual undertakes training conducted in the workplace, whether it is conducted by the training organisation or the employer (industry/work experience, field placement, fully on-the-job training or structured workplace training delivered at a place of employment), the W – Workplace-based delivery mode must be reported for each Subject Enrolment in the Training Activity (NAT00120) file.

If this type of delivery is the predominant delivery method for a specific Unit of Competency, then the Predominant Delivery Mode must be reported as W – Workplace-based as well.

The above-mentioned values are recorded within your student management system at either the course or subject enrolment level, in line with the delivery methods specified in the relevant training and assessment strategy document.

In addition and as stipulated in the Victorian VET Student Statistical Collection Guidelines – 2022 the reporting of a Workplace ABN is mandatory for all types of enrolments commencing on or after 01/01/2022 and involving a practical placement or workplace-based delivery.

The ABN of the employer/organisation providing the workplace in which the training and/or assessment is taking place will have to be reported for each Subject Enrolment in the Training Activity (NAT00120) file.


Practical Placement

If a non-Apprentice/Trainee Skills First Student undertakes training conducted in a workplace where they are employed and the training program undertaken requires the completion of practical placement, then the student can use their workplace to log practical placement hours, provided that a Practical Placement Agreement is signed between the student, the employer, and the Training Provider.

The Practical Placement Agreement must be completed and signed by all parties in accordance with Clause 8 of the VET Funding Contract and must include the payment rate per day during the time the student performs the activities required as part of their Practical Placement.



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