Need help setting up your RTO?

We manage the entire project!

Going through the application process to become a Registered Training Organisation is a large time and financial commitment. Take some of the risk and ambiguity out of the process and get RTO Logic on your side.

We manage the entire project, including:

  • Policies and Procedures
  • Forms and Templates
  • Financial Viability Risk Assessment
  • Business Plan
  • Training and Assessment Strategies
  • Resources
  • Trainer Compliance
  • Staff Training and Coaching
  • Project management and preparation of documentation
  • On site assistance at the initial audit

What We Can Setup & Manage

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Policies and Procedures
Included in this project are a full suite of policies and procedures which we will brand and contextualise to your organisation. They are regularly presented at audit and we are constantly updating them as industry legislation and regulation changes.
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Forms and Templates
We will also provide you with all of the relevant templates and forms that you need to start running your business, including a validation schedule, enrolment form template, student handbook, and more.
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Financial Viability Risk Assessment
The obvious choice for organisations is to utilise their accountant to prepare the FVRA tool but unfortunately regular accountants don’t understand the intricacies of the regulator and often don’t do enough work on the FVRA tool. As part of your project, RTO Logic accountants with ASQA experience, prepare and sign off on the financial viability requirements
Business Plan
We provide templates and guidance for developing the business plan. Our experience with preparing these documents means we can not only help you complete this requirement for your submission to ASQA, but also to provide advice on your RTO’s operations and overall business strategy.
Training and Assessment Strategies
Our template will help guide you through the process of developing your programs. We will be with you every step of the way, providing feedback on your TAS docs and strengthening them where appropriate. We will also assist with the collation of industry consultation evidence.
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We will assist you with sourcing appropriate materials for your proposed scope additions and will validate resources in preparation for your application. We can also provide resource development services if you wish.
Trainer Compliance
RTO Logic will collate your trainer documentation and present it in an appropriate format for the application. This will include a competency matrix for each qualification, certificate evidence, professional development schedules, etc.
Project management and preparation of documentation
We will project manage the whole application process from initial consultation through to your initial audit. We will also collate all evidence and prepare your submission for you.
On site assistance at the initial audit
Once you receive notice that your initial audit is to take place, our consultants will be available on site at your premises to assist you through the initial audit.

How Does it Work?

1. Consultation
An initial consultation where we discuss your business objectives, the project plan and agree to milestones. Once you are happy with the proposal, we can initiate an agreement and get started
2. Business Strategy & Policies
Initially, we focus on your business strategy, the financial viability requirements and commence work on contextualising your policies and procedures, forms and other templates.
3. Training & Assessment
During this phase of the project, we collate, create and review your training and assessment materials, your training and assessment strategies, industry engagement and trainer/assessor files.
4. Application Submission
Once we have everything, we collate all of your documentation for a final review, assist you with compiling fit and proper person checks, insurances, finalise your FVRA and submit your application.
5. Initial Audit
Once ASQA reviews your application and sets an audit date, we will make ourselves available on site for your initial audit.

Need to setup an RTO?

Book in a time to discuss your needs with one of our consultants

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