Easy compliance starts here
Wrap around consultancy services to help you run a successful RTO
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RTO Consulting
Get the right advice
Our team’s experience extends across a wide range of RTO services from ASQA and VRQA audits to resource development, validation and data reporting assistance. Whether you are after a regulatory expert, AVETMISS expert or resource developer, we have someone ready to assist your organisation.
RTO Setups
Need help setting up your RTO?
Going through the application process to become a Registered Training Organisation is a big time and financial commitment. Take some of the risk and ambiguity out of the process and get RTO Logic on your side. We manage the entire project, including providing the policies and procedures, pro forma, building the training and assessment strategies, conducting financial viability and assisting with your business plan.
RTO Academy
Training & Professional Development
RTO Logic offers a range of resources to ensure your professional development needs are met across your entire business, from annual trainer PD solutions to individualised coaching. We can build a PD schedule for your training team, providing access to webinars, articles and activities, whilst tracking and managing progress to ensure your team is on top of their PD.
RTO Recruitment
Take the burden out of hiring
Recruitment is a time consuming and uncertain process but finding the right people is critical to the success of your organisation. Don’t waste your valuable time trying to navigate the recruitment space and don’t waste your money paying a firm to recruit for an industry that they don’t fully understand. RTO Logic staff understand what it means to work in and run an RTO which means we know what to look for when recruiting.
What sets us apart



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Industry News & Articles
Keep up to date with important news and announcements

Managing the transition from a superseded qualification

Evidence of Participation

2023 Changes to Skills First

2023 Changes to Skills First Determination of Eligibility

Skills First Workplace Training

Skills First Spring Cleaning

Look beyond the SVTS validation

A comprehensive guide to the 2021 Evidence of Eligibility and Student Declaration Form

Waiting Practical Placement or Employer Signoff Reporting

Job Trainer Initiative

2021 Skills First Contract Changes

Marketing Compliance

Skills First in Lockdown

Skills First Withdrawals

RTO Setup – How to become a Registered Training Organisation

Skills First COVID-19 Updates

Sighting and Retaining Evidence of Eligibility (EOE)

Online Delivery Requirements for Skills First

Implementing an Online PTR and Enrolment Process for Skills First

5 Data Reporting Tips for Learn Locals

Skills First Contract Update: Disallowed Persons

Skills First Contract Update: Electronic Signatures

2020 Skills First Compliance – Changes to the Skills First Contract
7 Things to Consider When Preparing for ASQA Registration Renewal