Skills First RTO Delegates Course









Skill Level

8 hours







Under the Skills First contract, providers must ensure that authority is delegated to appropriately trained individuals for the purposes of undertaking the pre-training review and determination of eligibility. This course is designed to assist in the training and induction of RTO Delegates. Upon successful completion, you will receive a professional development certificate that formally recognises your skills and knowledge.
Completing this course will help you
  • Ensure you understand your obligations as an RTO Delegate under the Skills First contract
  • Learn how to determine eligibility
  • Receive a certificate of completion for your professional development
Who is this course for?
This course is suitable for anyone working at an RTO that will be completing Pre-Training Reviews and Skills First funding eligibility checks.
Course Outline
Module 1 – Introduction to Skills First

The Victorian Government’s program for funding individual’s entitlement to funded training is called Skills First. Skills First is a commitment to a well-managed training and TAFE system, where providers that satisfy rigorous standards receive government funding to provide high quality, industry relevant training to eligible individuals. In this module, we introduce you to some key principles of Skills First and especially to the framework that sets the scene for your role as an RTO Delegate.



Module 2 – Pre-Training Review
The Pre-Training Review is defined as the process undertaken between the training provider and an eligible individual to determine the most suitable and appropriate training option for that individual. Skills First requires training providers to conduct a Pre-Training Review, consistent with the program’s objective that eligible individuals can access high quality courses and qualifications that lead to jobs, further education and/or participation in training for disadvantaged learners. This module covers the contractual requirements for the pre-training review and outlines the RTO Delegates’ responsibilities in this process.
Module 3 – Determination of Eligibility
The eligibility for training subsidised through the Skills First program is subject to a range of different and complicated criteria. Training Providers are required to assess any individual’s eligibility for Skills First funding prior to course commencement. RTO Delegates play an important role in this process, as they are delegated the function of completing all the necessary documentation relating to the eligibility assessment. This module aims to provide you with the skills and knowledge required to conduct Skills First eligibility assessments and retain sufficient evidence.
Module 4 – Eligibility Exceptions
There are very few people who understand all of the eligibility exceptions available and most of these sit under variants of contracts and are dependant on the type of course or organisation or learner cohort. This module covers all of the exceptions to the standard rules and aims to broaden RTO Delegates’ knowledge of the guidelines surrounding the eligibility assessment process.
Module 5 – Fees and Charges
Individuals eligible for Skills First subsidised training must be provided with accurate information about any fees and charges, tuition or non-tuition, applicable to their enrolment. RTO Delegates are responsible for conveying this information to the students and for ensuring that their provided with a Statement of Fees as part of their enrolment process. This module outlines the contractual obligations of training providers regarding fees associated with training subsidised through the Skills First program.

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